on May 8, 2024
by Gnosis
in Core-devs-call
Hello everyone from the weekly Gnosis Core Devs Call. This meeting is repeated on Wednesday every week. Watch on Gnosis Chain YouTube channel.
Participants: Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms team and the contributors.
During this week’s meeting, the topic of the Withdrawal Contract was thoroughly discussed. The latest updates regarding xDai fees, which were brought to the table last week, were also discussed. Additionally, updates from the Core Dev Team updates about Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Prysm were included in the agenda.
Withdrawals Contract
xDai “fees”
Core Dev Team updates
InterOp update
Base Fee
Let’s take a look at the core devs call updates.
Call Notes
Chain Infra
Updating of configs repos
Chiado Config vars https://github.com/gnosischain/configs/pull/7
Nethermind will help to update
Ale: from Discord
Source of “block rewards” GNO
Withdrawals contract (with Ihor)
Withdrawals Contract
Dapplion has written a spec https://hackmd.io/@dapplion/BkjQTn13j
Ihor is working on these contracts
Need to decide on approach given differences between ETH & GNO
Ethereum = ETH is native, while mGNO is not
Sending ETH to deposit contract conceptually sends from EL to CL
Withdrawals on GNO will “withdraw” it from the deposit contract
The “deposit contract” option is being taken for now
Withdrawal contract will rely on “reserve” contract that will be funded before/after
Treasury will need to send more GNO to the * Withdrawal contrat to account for block rewards
Alternative approach
Minting mGNO on Gnosis Chain thru increment the mGNO token registry thru system call (i.e. “issue” mGNO)
Ihor: how do we maintain total token balance (i.e. sum(GNO on Ethereum chain) == 3_000_000)
There is no way to convert mGNO to GNO
Ihor is implementing mGNO to GNO unwrapping logic in the mGNO wrapper
Upgradeable contract
Long-term business direction
GNO on Ethereum is a “claim” against native GNO on Gnosis
Reduce dependency of GNO on GNO on Etheruem or Bridges
Need to write a forum post on Gnosis Forum
xDai “fees”
1559 fees = imbalance on ETH Bridge Deposit vs. Gnosis claims
This will grow as fees increase
Jorge - 1559 xDai is not burnt, sent to a special address
Should start keeping track of xDai (issued minus 1559)
Erigon’s state = easiest to keep track
1559 Fee Collector address
Core Dev Team updates
Fixing issues with eth_blockNumber
Prep EIP-170 with Shanghai update
Contract code size limit
Previously omitted in Gnosis Chain - POSDAO had code size limit in POSDAO contract (permissionContract)
EIP-3860 - relies on EIP-170
Prep for Withdrawals work
Waiting on Withdrawals spec
Proof-of-concept implementation based on what Nethermind team knows about withdrawals
Can do some local testing on
Scanning chain for opcodes +
Igor: This week we finalized Chiado checkpoint sync endpoint, I fixed some tracing issue in Erigon reported by our users, waiting for more traffic from Gnosis RPC
Full Sync
Snap Sync - some issues
Merged the PR
Should be able to run stock on Prysm - pass in config file
Let Guillaume know if we encounter issues
Any other issues
Philippe: Erigon + Nimbus are publishing blocks
Base Fee
Spam protection
1 gwei would allow it to kick in within ~10min of full blocks, vs hours
Tomasz had strong objections - should table it
InterOp update?
Withdrawals + Shanghai - shadowforks are working
SSZ in execution layer (vs RLP for txns)
SSZ (CL) vs RLP (EL)
Backward compatibility of txns in SSZ
EOF - shelved
Danube - 4844
Electra - verkle (Guillaume)
Consensus Spec tests
Needed for Nimbus merge
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